Sunday, May 13, 2012


Ever since the 1960's, Las Vegas has been considered the capital of boxing in the USA. From the great pro championships at the old Convention Center, and then the outdoor arena at Caesars Palace to the legendary club fights at the Silver Slipper to the outstanding amateur programs that gravitated to Vegas, the sports was ubiquitous in Sin City.

Now, of course, the unconscionable conflict of letting the Barry Boxing group be both promoter and regulator has all but killed off amateur boxing here while the costs of running a club fight have seen the regular pro boxing card literaly disappear. There are hundreds of quality boxers still in Las Vegas, but nowadays they spend their time punching bags and hoping for SOMETHING good to happen for the sport.

Now that seems to be taking shape. Right on the shadows of the Las Vegas strip, plans are being finalized for a small Silver Slipper style boxing club. The building is up, and the finishing touches begin shortly. By the fall, Las Vegas again will have an intimate club boxing venue here the fine fighters trainintg here can again be showcased.

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